Furnace Repair

Furnace Repair in Waukesha, WI

A furnace repair in Waukesha, WI, is something you never want to deal with. The need for repairs always seems to arise on the coldest day of the year.

Don’t worry if the heat is not working in your house. Our team at On Time Heating & Cooling is here to help in this situation.

We are your local HVAC experts and can help with furnace repair services and other HVAC tasks. Simply let us know what you need and we will be there. We’ll help you get the home warm again.
Waukesha Furnace Repair
Shane repairs a customer's furnace.

When Should You Call for a Furnace Repair in Waukesha, WI?

Your furnace may give off signs it is failing. They won’t be of any help, however, if you don't know what these signs mean. When should you call On Time Heating & Cooling for a furnace repair?

High Energy Bills

It’s frustrating to open your utility bill each month and see it has gone up when you aren’t using more energy. Often, this suggests there is a problem with your HVAC system.

Call us. We’ll come out and see if you need a heater repair or if something else is going on.

The higher utility bill is often the result of the system working hard to keep the home at the desired temperature. Our furnace repair company technicians understand this and examine all system components to see which may be struggling. We’ll find the problem and make the emergency furnace repair, so you have heat again.

Unusual Noises

Loud noises coming from the furnace show it is time for an oil or gas furnace repair. A rattling noise suggests something has come loose in the unit and you need a furnace repair to tighten the part or replace it.

Loud booms and bangs coming from the unit need attention immediately. Call us for an emergency furnace repair. Not doing so could put your family and home at risk.

New Odors From the Furnace

Any unfamiliar odor coming from the furnace needs to be investigated. Often, this lets you know it is time for a heating repair.

Don’t worry. Our furnace repair company can help. Call us, and we will send someone out to find the problem and fix it.

However, leave the home before making this call if you smell gas or the carbon monoxide detector goes off. Carbon monoxide can be deadly, and a gas leak can lead to an explosion.

Contact emergency services and call us. Our furnace repair team in Waukesha, WI, will come out and help resolve the situation so you can return home.

The Pilot Light is Yellow

Take the same steps if you notice the pilot light is yellow rather than blue. A yellow pilot light is a sign the unit is leaking carbon monoxide.

Leave the home and contact the authorities before reaching out to us. When it is safe to enter the home, we will come in and make the gas or oil furnace repair.

Poor Air Quality in the Home

At times, the problem isn’t that the heat is not working in the house. You may first notice a decline in indoor air quality and wonder what is causing it. Your furnace may be to blame.

Call us. We’ll send someone from our furnace repair services team out to check the system.

If we find it causes your poor indoor air quality, we will recommend a gas or oil furnace repair. Regardless of what heating repair you need, we are here to help.

Why Choose Us for Your Furnace Repair?

We recognize you have choices for who will complete a heater repair. That you are considering us is an honor. Why should you pick us over our competitors?

Our technicians undergo factory training to ensure they can complete your heating repair quickly and efficiently, so you have confidence in the work they do. We will have your furnace repair completed in a little time, so there are fewer disruptions to your life.

The easiest way to avoid the need for a furnace repair is to request our 24-point furnace inspection, as this inspection allows us to catch problems before they lead to a system breakdown. However, if it is too late for that and the system is already showing signs of a problem, we’ll fix it for you.

Our customers love us. In fact, we have over 180 five-star reviews. Call us today, and we will get you on the schedule, whether you wish to have a furnace inspection, need a repair, or are ready to upgrade to a new unit. We’ll help you in any way we can.